How Shoe Fun Started

My whole life, I have ticked all the right boxes that I was "supposed to". I worked hard at school, I got married, I had children, I worked in the family business ...

Tick, Tick, Tick

I was doing all these things as I was told to or felt compelled to do, trying to be a good girl. And through that process I realised that I was loosing part of myself. The part of me that I knew was in there internally but wasn't being let out.

You know the feeling, yeah? When who you are in the world is not who you feel you are within. I was at a crossroads internally - I could lose myself completely, or I could reveal the person who I knew I truly was ... and that's how Shoe Fun started.


Hi, my name is Sandi and I am the Founder of Shoe Fun. I am a wife, mum, daughter, accountant and what was my secret life... IS now my life. Living, breathing, wearing and loving beautiful unique shoes, bags and accessories.

I love individuality and the ability to express myself through fashion, and to help other women step into it as well, because I know that when I started to honour my alternative side and - Let myself express myself, My whole world changed. I felt happier, more centred, grounded, true and free, so I made it my mission to help as many women as possible to experience this joy through the fun stuff we have at Shoe Fun.

I would love to help you find what is perfect for you. Enjoy the website and message me on the online chat or via email if can help with anything!

Love, Sandi x


Lilac Fairy Pty Ltd T/As Shoe Fun

ABN: 98 636 609 688

Sandi's Favourite Products